Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : ETS 3 Database Removal

22.10.10, 11:18
Hi guys,

The database in my ETS3 (product database) is crashed or dont know whats happened!!!

so i was wondering if there is a way to delete the whole database and re-install. If you would be very kind of you to tell me how to go about it!

Cheers and thank you for your time


Klaus Gütter
22.10.10, 12:50
Hi vimal,

if you really want to delete it (all your project will be gone!!), just delete the file eib.db in Program Files\Ets\Database. It will be re-created on the next ETS start.

If you want, we can try to recover the data (though not for free); just contact our support.

Klaus, IT GmbH

22.10.10, 12:55
cheers mate thank you